Want to Know One of the Worst Things for an Empath?

portrait of a young woman in forestOver the years, I have tried and studied numerous types of holistic healing. I have researched the benefits of food and nutrition on physical and mental health, and how it affects Sensitive people. Through this, I have made many incredible discoveries.

One of the biggest realizations I have made from observing life and all my research, is how different each and everyone of us is, even as Empaths.

Sadly, we live in a world where we are all expected to be the same in the way we behave, look, think and live. We are encouraged to have the same goals, expected to respond and benefit from the same educational programmes, nutritional and medical advice. Even in the ‘New Age’ arena it can be a one-size-fits-all and an ‘it worked for me so it should work for you’ approach. But this is not how life works.

people taking groufie photography

Some Empaths need speeding up, some need slowing down, some will benefit from a high protein diet, some a high carbohydrate diet, some need to get out of their heads, some need to get inside their heads, and some need routine and rules, others need space and freedom.

Because we are different in so many ways, the path for us to connect our mind, body and spirit is unique to us. But it is also up to each of us to work at finding what is best for us individually.

We may think we want the easy path but, as you will probably have already discovered in life, the easy path rarely ends up being easy. Great, amazing and valuable lessons can be learnt from enduring difficult and challenging times.

On my early journey of finding balance, as an Empath, I used to believe the answers to my healing lay in the metaphysical. I thought if I made myself more ‘spiritual’ I would better deal with all that I felt and thus become more balanced… I hadn’t taken into consideration that it didn’t matter how many hours I sat in meditation, doing yoga or how many spiritual texts I read, if I was putting poison into my body, no amount of meditation or spiritual awareness was going to balance me.

I made this discovery when I decided to change my diet. And the first change I made was by eliminating wheat… This was the start of an incredible life transformation! I lost weight without trying, I felt happier, my energy changed and I took charge of my Empath traits.

Although wheat is hailed as a health food, it acts like a drug and has been scientifically proven to have a drug-like effect on the brain. Wheat has been linked with hundreds of mental and physical illnesses, Click here to check any of your symptoms against those found to be caused by wheat. and it heightens the more ‘negative’ Empath traits.

Drug-Like Foods and the Empath

Now, although I say we are all different as Empaths and each need differing approaches to find balance, none of us will benefit from consuming drug-like foods.


Empaths react more to drug-like foods because they are highly reactive. High reactive people taste the bitterness in lemons more than others, feel emotional and physical pain more, go red in the face easier and are affected by drugs and alcohol worse than those who are not highly reactive.

healthy man person eating

Wheat is not seen or classed as a drug but, as it acts like one, it carries the same energy signature.

Many Empaths are under the impression that most of their mental and physical maladies are caused from absorbing too much negative energy when, in fact, many are caused or worsened by what they consume… especially drug-like food.

No one benefits from eating drug-like foods such as wheat!

You may not be aware but wheat has been genetically altered and its protein structure changed. Now, when digested, wheat breaks down into many small proteins that have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and attach themselves to the opiate receptors of the brain. This has the effect of a narcotic but without the high.

Wheat has been shown to encourage overeating and trigger or worsen mental illnesses.

Not only is wheat destructive to physical health, by its consumption we can damage our energy field (causing leaky aura) and disrupt the balance of the chakras and endocrine glands (glands that produce hormones). The following post explains more on how unbalanced chakras can destroy the Empath.

If you are one who has tried many things to find balance as an Empath, such as: grounding and protective techniques, meditation and spiritual practice and exercise, or if you eat a balanced or vegetarian diet and still struggle with health issues, low moods or depression, look to see if you are including wheat in your diet.

You may not eat bread but still consume lots of wheat. It is hidden everywhere! (See here for a more comprehensive explanation on the changes to wheat)

I appreciate others may not have the same benefits as me from wheat elimination. We are all different. But it is worth trying it for at least 4 weeks just to see.

When you remove anything which harms your physical and energy body you naturally evolve. It is said we grow most from that what we give up and not what we acquire (unless it’s peace of mind)

If you want to try going wheat-free or if you want to transform your life as an Empath, The Eating Plan For Empaths and HSPs will take you there. It goes into detail about how certain foods impact you as an Empath and how by changing your diet it can transform your life.

Click on the above link or the picture for more information.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

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©Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered

7 thoughts on “Want to Know One of the Worst Things for an Empath?

  1. I read that wheat is often sprayed with weed killer at harvest. Which can not be good for humans. I did read it on the internet so 50/50 on how true it is

  2. Reading about wheat here.  Interesting stuff.  My daughter is trying the gluten free approach now and getting good results.  I was drawn to the breakdown of proteins in modern day wheat and wheat products.  The cells (Bruce Lipton) connect and disconnect in their efficiency using a protein band to link neurons and proper cell function.  If the wheat interrupts this process then we do have a hooked (narcotic like) generation.  Hence ADD ADHD etc and obesity all come into play.  Very very good article.     

  3. Thank you for sharing! I am in agreement with you about the gluten issue. I’m an an empath and I also have a gluten intolerance. Good to know I am not alone. Again, thank you for sharing!

  4. As an empath myself, this blog has helped me so much and I am so thankful for the content you post. It has helped me learn how to deal with the way I feel and what comes with being an empath. Thank you
    Writer X

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